The project was presented during the 8th edition of SEAFUTURE – The Hub on the Mediterranean Sea for the Blue Economy, an annual business convention dedicated to the maritime sector and dual-use technologies. The panel has been organised by WestMED, "Main Achievements of the WestMED Maritime Clusters Alliance and its members", to present some of the results achieved thanks to the cooperation with the Clusters of the WestMed Alliance.
The panel provided an important opportunity to facilitate dialogue and debate among the Key Stakeholders of the Blue
Economy in the presence of representatives of institutions at the national level - such as the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, the Department for Cohesion Policies at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers - and at the EU level and
international level- such as DG Mare, CINEA and Union for the Mediterranean. The panel was also attended by
representatives of the leading European and Mediterranean maritime clusters, the European Clusters Alliance and the
European Network of Maritime Clusters (ENMC).
You can read the prorgramme here.
Written by FdM