Blue Economy
Blue Economy (BuE) sectors include all those activities that are marine-based or marine-related, and that are embedded in, and dependent on, the natural environment.
The Blue Economy industry has an enormous potential to revolutionise the current economic model of the European Union while at the same time empowering women and building a more sustainable future. However, there is a lack of comprehensive gender data across BuE sectors in EU countries.
To address these challenges, CINEA and DG MARE have opened a call to tackle specifically this knowledge and need gap for data and capacity building for Women in Blue Economy, aligned with the Gender Equality Strategy for 2020-2025. This strategy recognises the urgent need for greater gender balance in organisations and sectors within the European framework, aligning particularly with the Sustainable Development Goal 5 (SDG5) on Gender Equality.

Here is where WIN-BIG comes into play
WIN-BIG is addressing the gender imbalance and capacity gaps across BuE sectors in the EU to support women joining and climbing their way up the value chain.
Our ambition is to make the European Blue Economy industry more gender-balanced and sustainable.
To do so, we will:
- Provide an accurate and comprehensive dataset on gender status and women's role in BuE across all
6 EU sea basins (Atlantic, Mediterranean, Baltic, North, Arctic and Black Sea);
- Identify skills gaps preventing women from entering or progressing in the career ladder;
- Develop female- and sea basin-oriented learning labs, acceleration programs and networking events to promote female role models and women-oriented BuE emergent sector.