National Event Westmed Opportunities And Future Of Blue Tourism In Spain
On March 12, 2025, Madrid will host the WestMed Initiative’s national event: "Oportunidades y Futuro del Turismo Azul en España!

The National Event, organised by the WestMED European Initiative Assistance Facility, will take place on 12 March from 9.00-14.00 CET in the Press Room of the Secretariat of State for the European Union - Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation (Plaza Marqués de Salamanca, 8 - 28006 Madrid, Spain). The event will be held in person and in Spanish only.
This National Event aims to discuss in depth the opportunities and future of Blue Tourism in Spain. To this end, the event aims to present the state of Blue Tourism in Spain from the perspective of the Blue Economy and the Blue Basin Strategies, to know what other initiatives are being carried out in other ministries in the field of Blue Tourism and to promote synergies and collaborations between entities. The event will also present 2 key Blue Tourism projects in which Spain participates.