WINBLUE and WIN-BIG: Workshop on the Blue Economy and Gender Equality

November 22, 2023 - 9:00 - 13:30 CET

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Rome, Italy

Our sister project WINBLUE - Empowering Women and Mainstreaming Gender Equality in the Blue Economy is organising a workshop to build a co-ordination process with the WIN-BIG project (selected under the same EMFAF call “Women in the Blue Economy”) and triggering a collaboration process with other International, European, national, and regional initiatives.

The workshop aims to exchange experiences and knowledge; discuss the challenges related to Gender Equality, in particular focusing on the blue economy; identify a set of joint actions and define a common plan to be implemented for:

  • ensuring the availability of data on GE in the blue economy sectors
  • sharing online courses and materials on GE in the blue economy sectors
  • sharing good practices
  • organising joint participation in local, national and European events
  • activating a mutual learning process among the participants, aiming to establish a collaboration for co-organising activities and events.

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                     9:00 Welcome

First session: The WINBLUE and WIN-BIG project - Chair: Rebecca Pogni; University of Siena, Italy

9:10-9:30 “The EMFAF call on Women in the Blue Economy”- Pauline Caumont, DG Mare, European Commission

9:30- 9:40 “WINBLUE – Empowering Women and Mainstreaming Gender Equality in the Blue Economy” – Patrizia Grifoni, Project Coordinator

9:40-9:50 “WIN-BIG – Women in Blue Economy Intelligence Gathering and Capacity Boosting”, Helena Vieira, Project Coordinator

9:50- 10:00 “Policies and sharing expertise on Gender Equality from the national to the international scale”, Sveva Avveduto, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italian delegate of the W20, G20 engagement group

10:00-10:10 WINBLUE “Stakeholder data collection: discussion on status, opportunities, needs and bottlenecks”, Ana Rotter, National Institute of Biology of Slovenia

10:10-10:20 “Supporting blue economy organisations to integrate Gender Equality Plans”, Rebecca Zammit ACROSSLIMITS LTD

10:20 – 10:35 Interactive section with instant poll related to the Blue Economy

                     10:35 – 11:00 Coffee break and discussion

Second session: Experiences, good practices and data collection - Chair: Patrizia Grifoni

11:00-11:10 “Women in the port and maritime sector, why not?”, BARBARA Bonciani, Councillor for the port of the municipality of Livorno

11:10-11:20 “REMEDIES project and Gender Equality challenges” – Cinzia Lazzarini, Next Technology Tecnotessile

11:20-11:30 “The experience and good practices in defining Gender Equality plans in the ATHENA Project”, Michelle Perello, Blanca Sell Fernandez, Consulta Europa

11:30-11:40 “Gender equality in the academy for the blue economy: experiences and Good practices”, Rosa Lombardi Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Law and Economy of Productive Activities

11:40-11-50 “Data and good practices from the Blue Mission Med project”, Fedra Francocci, Blue Mission Med project

11:50-12:00 “Italian report on the blue economy”, Centro Studi delle Camere di Commercio Guglielmo Tagliacarne, Speaker to be defined (to be confirmed)

12:00-12:10 “Gender equality and experiences in the fishery and aquaculture sector”, Rosa Federica Grassi, Member of the Board of Directors Assoittica

12:10-12:20 “Data on Gender equality in fishery and aquaculture”, Jennifer Gee, Food and Agriculture Organization

12:20-12:30 “Sharing experiences on Gender Equality in the Blue economy at the worldwide level within the GRRIP community”, Speaker to be defined, GRRIP community

12:30-12:40 Good practices and training experiences to oppose discrimination and promote gender equality - Serena Calabrò, University of Naples Federico II, Dip. of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Production

12:40-13:30 Discussion and Conclusion

                     13:30 Light lunch


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