International equal pay day: tackling the gender pay gap in the Blue Economy

September 18th marks the International Equal Pay Day. There is no better time to take stock of how far we’ve come – and how far we still have to go – when it comes to closing the gender pay gap in the Blue Economy and beyond.

International equal pay day: tackling the gender pay gap in the Blue Economy

The gender pay gap: a Look at the past

Unfortunately, there is limited data available on gender pay in the Blue Economy as a whole, but the numbers we do have are concerning. According to a 2003 European Commission study, women in fisheries and aquaculture were paid significantly less than men. For instance, in the processing industry, men earned EUR 42,278 annually, while women earned just EUR 28,568. That’s only 69% of what men were making! In aquaculture, the gap was also stark: men earned EUR 34,042, while women received EUR 24,008, 71% of men’s earnings.

While these numbers are from 2003, they tell us that the gender pay gap is nothing new. And unfortunately, it seems that we still have a long way to go to achieve equality.


Where are we now?

Fast forward to 2024, and the gender pay gap is still an issue. Preliminary findings from WIN-BIG’s recent survey highlight that the problem persists in today’s Blue Economy.

When asked if they feel treated the same as men in their workplaces, 52% of women said yes, 32% said no, and 15% weren’t sure. Regarding pay, the numbers are equally telling: 47% of women believe they’re paid the same as their male colleagues, but 29% feel they’re paid less, and 23% just don’t know.

In other words, more than half of women working in the Blue Economy either believe they’re being paid less than men or are uncertain about their pay compared to male coworkers. That’s a pretty clear sign that pay inequality is still a major issue in 2024.


Why WIN-BIG matters

So, what’s being done to address this? That’s where projects like WIN-BIG come in. Our goal is to tackle gender inequalities in the Blue Economy, including issues like pay. We know greater transparency and conversation around these issues are crucial steps toward real change. That’s why we’re encouraging women to share their stories and experiences by participating in our survey.

Have Your Say

On this International Equal Pay Day, let’s not just talk about the gender pay gap; let’s commit to doing something about it. If you work in the blue economy, we'd love to hear from you. By sharing your experiences through our survey, you’re helping us drive change and push for a future where women and men are paid equally for their work.

Find the WIN-BIG survey in 7 languages at

Together, we can build a Blue Economy that’s fairer, more inclusive, and more sustainable for everyone!


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