Learn more about NOWA

Network of Women in Aquaculture in the Mediterranean and Black Sea (NOWA)
Learn more about NOWA

The journey of NOWA began in Athens in June 2023. It was during the "Empowering Women Towards Sustainable Aquaculture Development" program organized by the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) of the FAO, the Federation of European Aquaculture Producers (FEAP), and the Hellenic Aquaculture Producers Organization (HAPO) that a group of young female marine professionals united with a vision to advance gender equality and sustainability in aquaculture, met and  created the Network of Women in Aquaculture (NOWA).

Copyright FAO/GFCM Intissare Aamri

Our motivation stems from a belief in the untapped potential of women in the aquaculture industry. Despite their contributions, there is a notable lack of leadership roles, visibility, and opportunities for professional growth. The Athens program highlighted the need for a platform to support and elevate women in aquaculture.

NOWA's mission is to create a supportive network for inclusive and sustainable aquaculture and ocean preservation, focusing on advocacy, awareness, and skills development. We aim to empower women from diverse backgrounds and inspire future generations to explore opportunities in aquaculture.

Copyright FAO/GFCM Intissare Aamri

As of December 2023, NOWA has entered its development phase, establishing a presence on social media, with a community of nearly 780 followers on LinkedIn. In June 2024, NOWA won 2nd place in the EU-CONEXUS Innovation Contest for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability and launched its official website in August. We are currently finalizing legal requirements to establish NOWA as an international association (Loi 1901) with global reach. In 2025, our strategic focus will be on key initiatives like training sessions and networking events to promote collaboration and knowledge sharing in the maritime and blue economy sectors.

Please follow NOWA's activities on: LinkedIn, Instagram, and check out their website


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Learn more about NOWA
Network of Women in Aquaculture in the Mediterranean and Black Sea (NOWA)
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