WIN-BIG at the Annual meeting for the North Sea Commission
On 27 June 2024 WIN-BIG partner AKP presented the project WIN-BIG at the Annual meeting for the North Sea Commission (Smart Regions (SRG) and Marine Resources (MRG) Working Groups) in Bergen.

The North Sea Commission celebrated the Joint meeting of the Smart Regions (SRG) and Marine Resources (MRG) Working Groups. The meeting topic was “Skills in the Sustainable Blue Economy”. It was organised in Bergen, Norway, on the 27 June 2024, and the day opened with the SRG Chair Councillor Beate Marie Johnsen, Agder, Norway and by MRG Chair Councillor Ann Bell, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Followed by topics such as Coastal collaboration and innovation in skills development, Skills in the seafood sector and green transition and reskilling of workers in coastal Hubs.
Other presentations touched on green skills in the Northern Region, such as the H2CoVE project- building regional ecosystems for hydrogen skills. The RIGHT project (right skills for the right future) was presented, as well as the Win-Big project; the project presentations followed a discussion on how we can involve young people more in the sustainable blue economy, and the event closed with the representatives of Interreg North Sea Region Programme moderating discussions on focus groups.
To learn more about this interesting event, check out the agenda here.